Kluci po koupání

Kámoš Kenny



Potkali jsme se s mladým panem Kennym, je to 6-ti měsíční Border Colie.
Náš srabík se ho trosku n začátku bál, nakonec z nich byli docela kámoši.
Jen chytit Kennyho do objektivu byla ohromná dřina


5 komentářů: „Kámoš Kenny“

  1. Hallo, always great to see other people through the hole world in my searching, I really appreciate the time it should have taken to put together this awesome article. Cheers Pennie Felice Rosalba

  2. Zitta

    Thanks a lot

  3. If you want to use the photo it would also be good to check with the artist beforehand in case it is subject to copyright. Best wishes. Aaren Reggis Sela

  4. If you want to use the photo it would also be good to check with the artist beforehand in case it is subject to copyright. Best wishes. Aaren Reggis Sela